AAC, Literacy & the SLP

#AACES2024 Conference Session

AAC Screening for Preschool Students: A Work-In-Progress Tool for the Specific Language System First Approach

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​What if instead of AAC Assessment, we could do AAC Screening? The population of AAC users far exceeds the number of experienced AAC professionals, and the gap is only continuing to grow. We need efficient solutions so that children who need AAC can get access to devices and services as early as possible. In this session, you’ll hear about the theory and practice that informed a nascent AAC screening tool. Started by two overwhelmed clinicians in a small public school district, we have had promising results for clearing our backlog of referrals for children ages 3-5. We invite fellow practitioners and researchers alike to join us in discussing and further developing this exciting new idea.


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  • Natural & engaging webinar
  • Full year of on-demand access
  • CMH/PDH Certificate 
  • Online classroom community 
  • Links to resources

Front-line strategies

Learn how to screen students early to see how AAC tools and strategies can offer support before a comprehensive AAC assessment. 
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A Universal Design focus

Gain insight into UDL principles that can be applied to support communication for all students.
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What You'll Learn

 As a result of attending this webinar, participants will be able to:

1. . Define the Specific Language System First Approach.
2. Explain the similarities and differences between SLP Assessment and AAC Assessment in the school setting.
3. Explain the similarities and differences between AAC Screening and AAC Assessment in the school setting.
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Continuing Education Credit

This course offers eligible students a total of
1 certification maintenance hour (CMH)

Learn more about CMH/PDH  (versus CEU's or continuing education units) on your course syllabus and on our CEU Page.  All learners are encouraged to confirm that this course meets the requirements of their licensing board before purchasing.  
Write your awesome label here.
Meet YOUR instructors

Brianna Hughes, M.A. CCC-SLP, ATACP

Brianna Hughes is a bilingually certified SLP, AAC, and AT specialist. She currently works as an AAC specialist with students ages 3-22 in Castro Valley Unified School District. She has worked to elevate the district’s AAC/AT program from an “expert model” to a “capacity-building and universal design” model. She is a recipient of the ASHA Distinguished Early Career Professional Certificate for her leadership and a passionate advocate for the idea that everyone deserves a voice.
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Tiffany Rezvani, M.S. CCC-SLP

Tiffany Rezvani is an AAC Specialist practicing in California. She works in schools across various districts, and serves individuals across the lifespan through her private practice, Technology Voices. She previously worked as the AAC Specialist in the Regional Center System. Her mantra is “presume potential”, and she brings a bright and positive spirit to every coaching conversation.
Patrick Jones - Course author
Patrick Jones - Course author
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