AAC, Literacy & the SLP

#AACES2024 Conference Session

5 Big Assistive Technology Strategies Every Teacher Should Know

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What are your “go-to” assistive technology (AT) strategies and tools to use in every classroom? Join Scott and Kelly as they share their “Big 5 AT Go-To's” that they emphasize with classroom staff in their consults. These may not be new inventions or the most technology-advanced bells and whistles, but they are the strategies that every teacher should know what they are and how to use them. In addition to showing examples, we will share resources for you to find free materials that you can use and share right away. What are the 5? You’ll have to join to find out…


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  • Natural & engaging webinar
  • Full year of on-demand access
  • CMH/PDH Certificate 
  • Online classroom community 
  • Links to resources

High impact AT

Explore assistive technology solutions to start your classroom, AT library and maximize student access to learning.
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Simple, low-cost resources

Gain free, low-cost, and simple AT resources that you can implement tomorrow, without breaking the budget, or your brain. 
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What You'll Learn

 As a result of attending this webinar, participants will be able to:

1. Decide upon purposeful visual supports that will accommodate the receptive communication input of a variety of learners.
2.  Support the expressive communication needs of a variety of learners.
3.  Compare and contrast their current practice with suggestions made during the presentation to create an action plan for their classroom interventions.
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Continuing Education Credit

This course offers eligible students a total of
1 certification maintenance hour (CMH)

Learn more about CMH/PDH  (versus CEU's or continuing education units) on your course syllabus and on our CEU Page.  All learners are encouraged to confirm that this course meets the requirements of their licensing board before purchasing.  
Write your awesome label here.
Meet YOUR instructors

Kelly Fonner, MS

Kelly Fonner - Kelly is a special educator and assistive technology consultant. She is also an online teacher of students with complex learning needs. During her career, she has been a teacher, paraeducator, instructional media specialist, and assistive technology specialist in early education, school & university settings. She has a master’s in educational technology with an emphasis in rehabilitation technology. Kelly has presented across the US and internationally in the field of AT/AAC for over 35 years. She has worked for a statewide AT project and federal AT/AAC grants at universities & has been an instructor in university courses. She is a leadership member of QIAT & the WI AAC Network, & a co-author of two QIAT books.
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Scott Marfilius, MA

Scott Marfilius - Scott has been working with individuals with disabilities for the past 36 years and has been involved in implementing assistive technology at various levels. Scott continues to assist teams and individuals in assessing students' assistive technology needs. His teaching certifications are in Early Childhood Handicap, Cognitive Disabilities, Emotional Disabilities, and Learning Disabilities. His M.A. is in Curriculum and Instruction. Scott’s focus areas in assistive technology include computer access and technologies that assist those with cognitive and learning disabilities. He also focuses on implementing Universal Design for Learning concepts in the classroom.
Patrick Jones - Course author
Patrick Jones - Course author
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