AAC, Literacy & the SLP

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  • 2 hour video lesson                  
  • All skill levels                               
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AACES Conference On-Demand Session

DIR/Floortime: A Relationship Based Approach to Supporting Each Individual Child’s Development

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This presentation will highlight what we are looking at in the back-and-forth flow of an interaction. From that perspective, the relationship between the child and the caregiver is key to support shared attention, engagement and the intentionality of the child. Emphasis is on coaching the caregiver in their interaction with the child in the moment, and/or reflecting with video review. Caregivers include parents, therapists, teachers and aides with the goal to bring the DIR® philosophy into their interactions with the child.  Developmental, Individual-Difference, Relationship Based Interdisciplinary Philosophy (DIR/Floortime) was developed by Stanley Greenspan, MD and Serena Wieder, Ph.D. DIR®. It provides an understanding and guideline for supporting a child’s functional emotional development. This encompasses sharing attention and co-regulation between the child and caregiver; mutual engagement between them; purposeful communication with gestures, emotions, vocalization and words in a back and forth flow; shared social problem solving and the ability to stay in a long continuous flow of interaction; elaborating ideas (pretend play, creating symbols); and building bridges between ideas (emotional thinking).
Key to DIR is tailoring each interaction to the child and caregiver’s individual profile. This includes, an understanding of their physiological and emotional regulatory capacities, sensory processing, motor control and motor planning, as well all modes of communication, both receptive and expressive.


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  • Natural & engaging video
  • Watch On-Demand
  • CMH, Certificate Provided 
  • Online classroom community 
  • Links to resources!

Learning occurs within relationships.

Learn how to tailor interactions to each child and partner profile to foster that strong connection that is essential to learning.  
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Connection fosters communication.  

Learn how to build a strong foundation of shared attention, engagement, and intention upon which authentic language learning can take place.  
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What You'll Learn

1.  Describe at least two benefits of putting the relationship in the forefront when working with a child, family, and child’s team.
2.  Discuss how individual differences (sensory processing, regulation, communication (nonverbal and verbal), postural control, visual spatial processing and praxis) of the child and the parent/caretaker (teacher/aide/therapist) influences the relationship.
3.  Demonstrate at east two methods to, support the child to show their intentions through gesture, affect and language and supporting the interactive partner (parent, therapist, teacher, aide or peer) to read and affectively respond to the child so that it leads to a long continuous flow of interactions.
4.  Discuss at least two supporting rationale for importance of reflection during and after a treatment session.
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Continuing Education Credit

This series offers eligible students a total of
2 certification maintenance hours (CMH)

Learn more about CMH/PDH  (versus CEU's or continuing education units) on your course syllabus and on our CEU Page.  All learners are encouraged to confirm that this course meets the requirements of their licensing board before purchasing.  
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Meet YOUR instructor

Rosemary White

Rosemary White has been an occupational therapist since 1972 and brings a wealth of clinical experience to every workshop she teaches throughout the United States and internationally in Canada, Europe, South Africa, Uganda and Australia. Rosemary is a true clinician’s clinician! Rosemary received her neurodevelopmental therapy training in London with the Bobaths, her sensory integrative therapy training in Los Angeles with Dr. A Jean Ayres and her training in the DIRFloortime® model with Stanley Greenspan and Serena Wieder, Ph.D. and the Faculty of ICDL. She currently owns and operates Pediatric Physical and Occupational Therapy Services in Seattle, Washington. Rosemary has her certificate in the DIR model and has been senior faculty on the Interdisciplinary Council on Developmental and Learning Disabilities (ICDL) chaired by Stanley Greenspan, M.D. and Serena Wieder, Ph.D., since 2002. Rosemary is on the clinical faculty at the University of Washington in the School of Nursing Infant Mental Health Certificate Program. Rosemary is also faculty in the ICDL Graduate School in the Ph.D. in infant and early childhood mental health and developmental disorders. This is an on-line Ph.D. program providing education to professionals throughout the world. Rosemary is also Profectum Foundation Faculty.
Patrick Jones - Course author