AAC, Literacy & the SLP

#AACES2024 Conference Session

Routines-Based AAC Implementation for Young Children

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Join this practical session to explore the use of a routines-based intervention (RBI) approach to support AAC implementation for children under 6 years of age. Amy will emphasize the thoughtful acquisition of information about a child’s current participation and communication in daily routines through the use of routines-focused interviews and observations. From there, she'll walk through cases and examples to show you how to coach caregivers across settings as they work to embed AAC within a variety of daily routines.


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  • Natural & engaging webinar
  • Full year of on-demand access
  • CMH/PDH Certificate 
  • Online classroom community 
  • Links to resources

Family-centered AAC focus

Learn how to meet families where they are, even when AAC technology is involved. 
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Naturalistic AAC strategies

Gain naturalistic strategies that keep language and learning at the center and AAC on the edges.
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What You'll Learn

 As a result of attending this webinar, participants will be able to:

1.  Describe how to gather information about the ways in which young AAC users participate and communicate during daily routines.
2.  Design a routines-based AAC plan for a young child.
3. Discuss the ways in which a routines-based AAC approach supports home AAC implementation.
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Continuing Education Credit

This course offers eligible students a total of
2 certification maintenance hours (CMH)

Learn more about CMH/PDH  (versus CEU's or continuing education units) on your course syllabus and on our CEU Page.  All learners are encouraged to confirm that this course meets the requirements of their licensing board before purchasing.  
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Meet YOUR instructor

Amy Starble, MS, CCC-SLP

Amy works at the University of Vermont at the Center on Disability and Community Inclusion. She is an AAC Specialist on the Vermont I-Team and I-Team Early Intervention Project. In her role as an AAC Specialist, she consults with school and early intervention teams across the state of Vermont, working with young children with complex communication needs. She
supports local SLPs to navigate the AAC process from exploration to trial, to implementation with children between the ages of 18 months to 6 years. She also provides training, mentorship, and coaching to SLPs, Early Childhood Special Educators, and classroom teachers on how to navigate the AAC process and implement AAC in inclusive classroom environments and daily routines.
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Patrick Jones - Course author
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