AAC, Literacy & the SLP

AACES Conference 2023 Session

Taming the Advice Monster: Strategies to Support Collaborative Efforts 

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The students we serve often have complex needs, which necessitates a team-based approach - communication isn't and can't just be a “speech thing”. While it may be easier for us to provide direct answers or advice to those working with complex communicators, coaching often yields better understanding and willingness to shift practices overall. Join us for this interactive session where participants will learn about Jim Knight's Partnership Principles, GROWTH coaching, and how to support adult learners (yes, it's different than working with students). The strategies learned within this session can be applied to individual teams as well as AAC capacity-building efforts. 


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  • Natural & engaging webinar
  • Full year of on-demand access
  • CMH/PDH Certificate 
  • Online classroom community 
  • Links to resources

Get better outcomes from your AAC collaborations.

It may be easier to provide direct answers or advice, but coaching often yields better understanding and willingness to shift practices.
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Better support adult learners with GROWTH coaching. 

Teaching adults to teach kids is different than teaching the kids- get the framework and tools that you need to tailor your coaching effectively.
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What You'll Learn

As a result of attending this webinar, participants will be able to:

1. Describe how the seven partnership principles can be applied within their respective roles.
2. Summarize how the components of the GROWTH coaching framework can be utilized to enhance educational conversations and outcomes for students.
3. Explain how the five simple truths of adult learners may affect collaboration with colleagues, parents, and/or administrators.
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Continuing Education Credit

This course offers eligible students a total of
1 certification maintenance hour (CMH)

Learn more about CMH/PDH  (versus CEU's or continuing education units) on your course syllabus and on our CEU Page.  All learners are encouraged to confirm that this course meets the requirements of their licensing board before purchasing.  
Write your awesome label here.
Meet YOUR instructorS

Sara Pericolosi, SLP

Sara Pericolosi is a Speech-Language Pathologist with Alt+Shift, an Individuals with Disabilities Act Grant Funded Initiative funded through the Michigan Department of Education, Office of Special Education. Sara has been with the project for the past three years. In her role with Alt+Shift, she focuses on providing training and assistance related to assistive technology, augmentative and alternative communication, and literacy for students with significant disabilities and complex communication needs. Prior to joining Alt+Shift, Sara provided speech and language services to students with complex communication needs from birth to age 26 for twelve years.
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Carolyn O'Hearn, SLP

Carolyn O'Hearn is a Speech-Language Pathologist with Alt+Shift, an Individuals with Disabilities Act Grant Funded Initiative funded through the Michigan Department of Education, Office of Special Education. Carolyn has been with the project for the past four years. In her role with Alt+Shift, she focuses on providing training and assistance related to assistive technology, augmentative and alternative communication, and literacy for students with significant disabilities and complex communication needs. Prior to joining Alt+Shift, Carolyn provided speech and language services for individuals with complex communication needs for a Michigan center-based program for five years. Carolyn is also a certified PODD trainer.
Sara and Carolyn recently started an inclusive education podcast, All Means All, which can be found on Apple and Spotify podcast platforms.
Patrick Jones - Course author
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Patrick Jones - Course author
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