AAC, Literacy & the SLP

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  • 1.5 hour video lesson                  
  • All skill levels                                  
  • Attend  on-demand                     
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AACES Conference On-Demand Session

QIAT Strategies for Families & Professionals Working to Identify Appropriate Assistive Technology Tools & Strategies

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There are many ways to “do it right” when looking for Assistive Technology tools and strategies to support atypical learners. It is important for families and professionals to have a shared vision of how they will work together to support students however, it can be challenging to develop that vision. What are the critical areas of the AT process? Who should do what?
During this session we will explore resources from the Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology, QIAT, (pronounced ‘quiet’). Participants will be given the opportunity to explore Quality Indicators for the areas of: Consideration, Assessment, Documentation of AT on the IEP Implementation, Evaluation of Effectiveness, Transition, Administrative Support and AT Professional Development. In each of these areas we will look at tools for self-evaluation that can guide growth.


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  • Natural & engaging video
  • Watch On-Demand
  • CMH, Certificate Provided 
  • Online classroom community 
  • Links to resources

Get a framework that makes sense. 

Learn about which members of the team play which essential role in quality AT decisions and walk away with tools to get the job done.  
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Gain a shared AT vision that benefits your students.  

"Do it right" with strategies that help your team build a shared vision and to execute that vision for better student outcomes.  
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What You'll Learn

1.  Identify many ways to “do it right” across critical areas of AT services.
2.  Self-evaluate how the current approaches they use for identifying tools and strategies for students compares to most promising practices.
3.  Identify ways in which they might modify their current strategies.
4.  Set goals for modifying current approaches to improve outcomes for students.
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Continuing Education Credit

This series offers eligible students a total of
1.5 certification maintenance hours (CMH)

Learn more about CMH/PDH  (versus CEU's or continuing education units) on your course syllabus and on our CEU Page.  All learners are encouraged to confirm that this course meets the requirements of their licensing board before purchasing.  
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Meet YOUR instructor

Jane Korsten

Jane has a degree in elementary education from the University of Kansas and a M.A. in Speech Pathology and Audiology from the University of Illinois. She has over 45 years of experience as an SLP/AT resource providing direct services and professional development in home, school and clinic settings in the areas of communication and assistive technology (AT). She is a founding member of QIAT (Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology), a member of QILT (Quality Indicators Leadership Team) and a board member of the NATE Network (National Assistive Technology in Education). Jane has co-authored several publications and is known for her co-development of the program, Every Move Counts: Clicks and Chats.
Patrick Jones - Course author